ATBU Alumni
Welcome home Balewites.
Whether you graduated last year or 50 years ago, ATBU is your home.
And this website is your connection to ATBU, your fellow alumni, faculty and staff, and current students. Explore all of the activities, events, and resources available for you to deepen your experience as an alum.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to the ATBU Alumni Association staff if you need additional information or assistance. And check back frequently — exciting events and news are on the way!
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Email the Alumni Association or call us at xyz-xyz-xyz to learn more about connecting with ATBU and the global Balewite network.We are Everywhere
The Alumni Relations Division of the Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University was established by the University Governing Council in the year 2017 with a core mandate to create linkages and good rapport with its Alumni, stakeholders and friends of the University for the development of the University among others.The idea was in consideration of the fact that government alone cannot shoulder all the responsibilities of Universities.
The Alumni Relations Division (ARD) is a Unit under the Registry Department of the University and it has been under the supervision of the Registrar since its establishment.
It has an Advisory Committee led by the Deputy Vice Chancellor Academics, other Principal Officers of the University including the Head of the Division as members. The Advisory Committee meets from time to time to review situations and advise on the way forward for the success of the Division.
The Division currently has a staff strength of six (6) Registry staff headed by a Principal Assistant Registrar (PAR), Mal. Rabi’u Mohammed. The remaining five (5) staff comprise of two (2) Administrative Staff (Senior Assistant Registrar and Administrative Assistant); one Higher Executive Officer and a Confidential Secretary II handling day to day administrative duties of the Division.
The Division performs among others, the following functions:
The Division is at its phase I stage of growth and efforts are being made to nurture it to the desired level of progress. In line with the present economic reality, and the wakeup call by the Government to Educational Institutions to look up for alternative source of funding, especially with the recent Educational Survey conducted by the Federal Ministry of Education with particularly emphasis on the issue of Tracking of Alumni, the Division is committed towards ensuring a more cordial and strong–bonds with the Alumni, Stakeholders and Friends of the University with a view to concretizing a solid foundation for building a cream of Global Alumni Family that would consider the University its second home with zeal, passion, commitment and readiness to project the image, defend the integrity and support the development of the University in line with the global trends.
Notable Alumni